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Dr. Cy Smith

Leadership and the Biblical Worldview

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

“If it’s not about others, it’s broken” - Lyle Wells

Who will lead our next generation? Where will they lead us? More importantly, who from our next generation will emerge equipped to lead those who follow?

The fact is that our kids have the confidence and the desire to lead and impact our culture. Now, it’s up to us as parents, educators, and church leaders to educate this generation in a biblical worldview. That’s how we must best lead future leaders.

Lyle Wells, President of The Integrus Leadership Group, joined Dr. Cy Smith on the Clearly Christian with Dr. Cy Smith podcast. Leadership from a biblical perspective was the topic of conversation.

To hear the episode, click here for the Clearly Christian podcast page on

As we “go to school”, the main Chalkboard Points Dr. Smith brings forth in his effort to help you Know More are:

Chalkboard Point #1: Faith is not just a personal, private matter.

It is a worldview that has an impact on your contribution to society

Chalkboard Point #2: Leadership is Influence.

We have to be intentional about our training of the next generation.

Chalkboard Point #3: Christian Schools exist to inspire students to lead the church, serve the world, and work for others.

Leaders will make themselves known. It’s our job to make sure they know in which direction they are leading.

Dr. Smith points out in this episode that we have got to train students to lead and to solve problems from a biblical worldview, not keeping their faith to themselves, but influencing others.

Dr. Wells points out that “if it’s not about others, it’s broken”. This is a key thought when it comes to inspiring leaders. “That’s what Leadership is. It’s “influence”. It’s ultimately how your behavior influences other people”.

Cy asked about when to begin leadership training with our young people, and Lyle was quick to respond, “Proverbs says, train up the child in the way they should go. And when they are old, they will not depart from it”. Training should begin as early as education does, in preschool and kindergarten, and then be built upon as a habit. Daily focus on learned skills and behaviors will make the biggest impact ten and twenty years later.

Lyle Wells then went on to focus on three “missing gaps” that young people seem to have as far as leadership goes.

1). A crisis of confidence: Self-esteem is belief based, and we’ve focused so much on self-esteem that we haven’t focused on self-confidence.

2). A fear of consequences: “Kids today are truly afraid to fail”.

3). A lack of intentionality. Lyle says there is an almost tangible level of entitlement that young people seem to have and they aren’t taking the steps they need to intentionally develop.

For more great insight on leadership and leadership development from Lyle Wells, be sure to check out his books, “The Five-Day Leader: An Insanely Practical Guide for Relentless Growth, Ridiculous Routines, and Resilient Relationships.”

The Clearly Christian with Dr. Cy Smith podcast has a message to be heard - the only way we're going to turn things around in our country is to increase the number of people who live and operate with a biblical worldview and to see things from God's perspective. The best way to do that is to get kids a Christian education, either at home or church, so that they understand the world from God's perspective and can truly multiply themselves and lead this next generation closer to a walk with Christ.

For more information about Dr.Cy Smith, about the Clearly Christian Education movement, and the podcast, click on Clearly Christian And if you’d like to join the movement with partnership, funding resources, or ways to impact your own region's Christian Education opportunities, contact Dr. Smith today at 419-756-5651

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